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Artist Statement


"No matter the project, my aspiration is to bring characters to life.  I consider myself a minimalist, as shown in my design and execution.  I am drawn to simple, yet perfectly executed forms and symmetry.  When I work on a project, I use materials within reach.  Though I could sculpt and mold a prosthetic, I find it more realistic to use household objects in my application.  I have created charred flesh with coffee grounds, a hairpiece with wefting made of tulle, and have literally turned an existing pattern on its side.


Something that drives my aesthetic is to find beauty in everything.  Whether this is done in a typical street look or something not all-together human, I pride myself on being able to bring dreams (and nightmares) to life."







From a young age, Julia started showing interest in hair styling and makeup application.  One of her earliest memories involves braiding the hair of her family members, later helping the Dolina Polish Folk Dancers of Minnesota with whom she danced in high school.  She began experimenting with makeup as a young teenager and elevated to body painting and special effects makeup after a few years.  She still practices new techniques for hair and makeup in her spare time.


Currently, Julia is working in Minnesota after having recieved a Minnesota cosmetology license through Aveda Institutes- Minneapolis in 2021.  With the Covid-19 pandemic, she decided to use the time away from the theatre to enhance her knowledge in cosmetology.


Before attending Aveda, Julia graduated in 2019 from Gustavus Adolphus College with a Bachelor's degree in Theatre and Psychology.  Her Theatre major focused in costumes with a strong emphasis on hair and makeup.  Her Psychology major was generalized, though she showed a particular interest in abnormal and behavioral psychology.  Julia also minored in the French language and is always looking for opportunities to speak French with those around her.  While at Gustavus, Julia worked in the costume shop in the theatre department where she was a Student Supervisor and the unofficial wig master- having styled every wig that appeared on stage the four years of her attendance.  She touched on nearly every performance either by working as a stitcher, dresser, designer, and more.  She finished the 2018/2019 season with her costume design for McLaughlin's Iphigenia and Other Daughters.


During her theatrical career, Julia worked for several theatres across the United States.  She served as the Wardrobe Master for New Harmony Theatre in New Harmony, Indiana, the Wig Master for Pacific Conservatory Theatre in Santa Maria, California, and the Costume Intern for Meadow Brook Theatre in Rochester, Michigan and Eau Claire Children's Threatre in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.  Most recently, she served as the Wardrobe Swing for the Children's Theater Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  With each position, Julia believes that she learned more and better ways to execute costumes for the stage.


Outside of work, Julia likes to experiment with her hair and makeup skills.  She plays around with different methods she sees used by other artists and likes to develop her own.  She also plays around with cosplay, though has yet to make a completed character.

Julia Kugler working on finger waves and a temporary perm for "Anita" in Gustavus' production of Cabaret.


Julia Kugler working on old-age makeup for "Evilina" in Eau Claire Children's Theatres' production of The Curse of Sleeping Beauty.

Photo Credit: Ann Behrens, CTC Production, Elsa Larsen, Gustavus Adolphus Theatre and Dance Department, Gustavus Adolphus Marketing, Julia Kugler, Kaitlin Randolph, Kathy Burnham, Laura Cunningham, Larissa McConnell, Luis Escobar Reflections Photography Studio, Luong Huynh, McKayla Murphy, Meadow Brook Theatre, Michael Collins, Natalicia ZumBerge, Robb Murray, Robin Newell, Sandra Cortez Photography, Stan Waldhauser, Steve Turek, Terena Wilkens, Wayne Marek



Disclaimer Regarding All Photos Involving Children: parental consent was obtained before the photos of the child's face was uploaded to this site.  Involving the photos from Eau Claire Children's Theatre, parental consent was granted when the child was enrolled in the summer course associated with the performance.  To protect the identity of the child, their name is not listed on this site. If you are a parent of a child who is photographed on this site and wish for the photo to be removed, please contact Julia Kugler and inform her.  Contact information can be found on this site.


Those whose names are marked with an asterix (*) are members of Actors' Equity Association, the union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

Those whose names are marked with a bullet point (•) are members of SDS, the Stage Directors & Choreographers Society, a national theatrical union.

Those whose names are marked with a heart (♥) are members of the United Scenic Artists, Local 829.

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